Blog 5- Moment of Silence

September 21, 2016  •  1 Comment

Moment of Silence


After learning of the deaths of two more black men at the hands of police, I literally had to remove myself from media outlets.  The increasing amount of footage showing humans being shot and killed is both infuriatingly hurtful and creating an apathetic environment. I read one person’s opinion comparing these videos to snuff films and how in some circles they are being used to ridicule instead of a call for justice. For myself, seeing the last moments of someone’s life resulting from a senseless act is beyond painful and to know their death was due to their hue is unspeakable.

I don’t know why black men are seen as such a threat and why the response to anything from a confrontation to a request for help is seen as a valid use of lethal force.  Is blackness so threatening?  Why are Black people and specifically Black men seen as so dangerous that those who pledge to uphold the law feel justified in taking their lives?  This is certainly not the response of every police officer and there are many good officers who value human lives, but somehow it seems as if it is open season on people of color.

Immediately, the demonizing and dehumanizing of the victims came into play. The media began to paint these men in colors of aggression, violence and mayhem to justify the use of lethal force. Even if these men weren’t outstanding citizens they didn’t deserve to be shot down like animals. We have a justice system! In that system police officers are to protect and serve, attorneys are to plead cases and judges along with a jury of your peers decide your fate.  Somehow it seems a few officers in certain areas of our country believe their role is to be judge, jury and executioner. 

Though we are enraged, infuriated, disgusted and fed up we must not react in a way that continues to be harmful to our communities. Looting and destruction of property doesn’t solve these issues. Positive outlets like protesting, reinvesting in our communities and our youth, boycotting with purpose, withholding our economic resources, and controlling our images in the media are all pathways towards change.

So in response to the senseless violence let’s take a brief moment of silence and after that moment of silence let’s focus on those pathways towards change. 


Gary Miller(non-registered)
I don't have the answer,....perhaps the price for freedom is death,....a revolution,....maybe a saviour,....the hour is definitely uncertain....I love you Maia,....that's it!!!!
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